Non-Glaciological Programme

Non-Glaciological Programme

  • Urinalysis for British Antarctica Survey

    Throughout the crossing journey derailed records of the daily individual calorific intake together with details of individual urine content (taken from urine sampling sticks) were logged for a British Antarctic Survey study of the longterm effects of a high calorific diet during a lengthy sledging journey. The results have proved valuable and derails are held by Dr Rod Duncan, University of Aberdeen.
  • Cardiological for Middlesex Hospital

    During the wintering period and the crossing journey a study of stress on the heart was completed for the Middlesex Hospital through the use of miniaturised tape recorders. These were strapped to the waist of each individual with electrodes attached over heart and sternum. Heart rates and wave forms as an index of stress were recorded on tape over set 24-hour periods. The analysis is being carried out by Mr Peter Taggart of the Middlesex Hospital Cardiological Department.
  • Dental for Royal Army Dental Corps

    Throughout the period January 1980 January 1981 each individual’s teeth were scraped for plaque smears and detailed questionnaires were completed regarding genera! dental state. These were returned for the records of the RADC.