Many thanks to all of you
A.C.T. Australia; Advance Tapes (UK); Adel Rootstein; AEI Cables; African Ro-Ro Express; Agfa-Gevaert; Air Associates; Air Canada; 39F Squadron Air Cadets; Airtour International; Airwork Services; Alberta House; Alexandra Towing Co; Alfa Laval (NZ); All States Providores Ltd; Alpine Sports (Holborn); Amalgamated Packaging Industries; Amatil; A.W.A. (NZ); Andrews Industrial Equipment; Anglo-Dutch Engineering Co; Anschutz & Co; Air New Zealand; Aladdin Industries; Alcan Aluminium (UK); Alcan Polyfoil; Allan Generators; Appetizer Fruit Juices; Apple and Pear Marketing Board (NZ); Aqua Clean Ships; Arbor House; Armitage Shanks; Armstrong & Springhall; Arnold & Wright; A/S Atlas; A.S. (B) Ltd; A.S.E. Ltd; Aspen Electronics; Associated Biscuits; Associated Lead Manufacturers; Assurances Générales de France; Assureurs de Côte d’Ivoire (Faugere et Jutheau); Atlas Products & Services; Auckland Harbour Board; Auckland Laundry; Auckland Market Supply; Audio Visual Promotions; Austscan Trading Co; The Automobile Association; Avis Car Rentals (NZ); Avo Ltd; Avon Industrial Polymers; W. Badger; Baillieu, Bowring, Marsh & McLennan Ltd; Balcan Engineering; Bampton, Son & Knight; Barclays Bank; Barclay International; Francis Barker & Son; Barlow’s (Cape); Bascand’s; Batchelor’s Foods; W. A. Baxter & Son; Beaufort Alt-Sea Equipment; Belling & Co; A. G. Benfield; Benson & Hedges (Canada); Berghaus; Berlei (UK); Berrick Bros; B.I.C.C.; Bighead Bonding Fasteners; Bio-Strath (AG); Bird Electronics; Black & Edgington; Blacks of Greenock; Black & Decker; The Blue Circle Group; Blueport A.C.T. (NZ); B. M. Coatings; Bombardier Rotax (Vienna); A. Bonacker; Thomas Borthwick & Sons; Bostik; Bovril House; Bowater Scott Group; Bowen Sales & Service; Edwin Bowers & Sons; Bowmaker (Plant); C. T. Bowring & Co; The Bowring Steamship Co; C. T. Bowring & Associates; Bowring Banif (SA); Bowring Brothers Ltd; C. T. Bowring & Burgess; Bradley Air Services; Brambles (NZ) Freighters; Brentford Nylons; Brewhurst Health Foods; Brick Oven Bread; Briggs & Stratton; Brimley & Co; Bristol Uniforms; Britannia Airways; British Aerospace; British Airways; British Aluminium Co; British American Optical; The British Bank of the Middle East; British Caledonian Airways; British Central Electrical; British Columbia Sugar Refining; B. C. Dairy Foundation; British Dredging Pioneer; British Home Stores; British Indicators; British Inspecting Engineers; British Marine Equipment Council; British Oxygen Co; British Petroleum; British Rail; British Road Services; The British Seagull Co; British Shipbuilders; British Telecom; B.S.C. Sheffield Special Steels; British Steel Strip Mills; British Transport Docks Board; British Viggo; British Wool Marketing Board; C. W. Brockley & Co; Brooke Bond Oxo; Brown & Perring; Henry Browne & Sons; The Joe Brown Shop; Brown & Poulson; Brownline; B.S.G. International; James Buchanan & Co; Buck & Hickman; Burmah Oil Co; Burmeister & Wain Maritime Services; Burmeister & Wain Diesel (Australia); Burndept Electronics (ER); Burns Philip; The Burton Group; Byers Transport; Cable & Wireless; Cadbury Schweppes; Cadbury Schweppes Hudson; Cadbury Schweppes Powell; Caledonian Mining Co; Cambrian Fly Fishers; Canada Safeway; Canadian Marconi Avionics Division; Canterbury Dairy Farmers (NZ); Cape Portland Cement; Carborundum (NZ); Carling O’Keefe Breweries of Canada; Carlton Breweries (Fiji) Ltd; Carnation Foods Co; Carpets International (Northern); Carreras Rothmans; Carrs of Carlisle; Casella; Casey’s Camping; J & J Cash (UK); Castle Wineries; Castrol; Catering Hygiene Services; Chamberlain Phipps; C.G.S. Resistors; Champion Sparking Plug Co; Checker Supermarkets; Chelton Electrostatics; Chemical Services Laboratories; Chloride Alcad; Christchurch Fruit Supply; Chubb & Son (NZ); Chubb & Son; Chubb Fire Security; Chubb Panorama; Chubb Security Services; Christian Salvesen (Managers); Ciba-Geigy (UK); The Cirio Co; City of London; Civil Aviation Authority; The Civil Service Catering Organisation; Clarks Ltd; Clarkson International Tools; Clover (Pty) Ltd; J & P Coats; The Coleman Co; Collingwood of Conduit Street; Colour Processing Laboratories; Brian Colquhoun & Partners; Commercial Credit Services; Commercial Truck Co; Commercial Union Assurance; Community Industry; Conaust (NSW); Confederation of British Industry; Controlled Packaging Services; B.Cooke & Son; Cooper Health Products; Coopers & Lybrand; Coral Leisure Group; Coroban Plastics; Costurn Industrial Textiles; Coubro & Scutton (M & I); County Commercial Cars; Courage (Eastern); Coventry Compressors; Cove Radio Station; C.P. Rail; C.P.C. (UK); Crane Packing; M. A. Craven & Son; Creda Press; H. C. Crossman; Crown House Engineering; Crownhenge; Corydex; C.S.E. Aviation (Aircraft Services); Culpeper; Curral Lewis & Martin; Cuxard, Gerard & Co; Dairy Control Board; Dalgety (NZ); Damart Thermawear; Dan-Air Services; Danepak; Danish Agricultural Producers; Davy & Co; Davis Gelatine; Hubert Davis; Dawmac Concrete; Daylay Eggs; Robert Deards; D.E.B. Chemical Proprieraries; Decca Navigator Company; Decca Radar; Deepfreezing & Preserving (SA); The De Havilland Aircraft of Canada; The De la Rue Company; A. C. Delco; Deli Plant Hire; Del Monte International; Dema Glass; Design Council; Detectronic; Dexion-Comino International; The Dickinson Robinson Group; Dictaphone Ltd; Diesel Services; DEW Associates (Electronics); Dodweli of Canada; Dominion Breweries; Dornay Foods; Doulton & Co; Downs Surgical; Dowson & Dobson; Draeger Manufacturing; Draeger Safety; Drew Ameroid (UK); Drew Chemicals; Dricold; Dunhill; Dunlop Ltd (GRG Division); Dunlopillo; Dunlop Footwear; Dunlop Industrial Hoses; Dunlop Semtex; Dunlop UK Tyres; Duphar Laboratories; Dupont Industries; Duropipe; Duraplug Electricals; Egg Control Board; Egg Marketing Board; Elbeo; Electnix; Electronic instruments; Elf Audio Visual; Elida Gibbs; Elierman & Bucknall; Ellerman Harrison Containers Line; Robin & Mary Ellis; EMI Records; Endura Lamps; Ensign Flag Co; Entwhistle (Oldham); Eumig (UK); European Atlantic; Evans Bay Timer; The EverReady Co; Expanded Metal Co; Express Battery Co; Express Dairies; Faber Castell A.W.; Facet Fotoset; W. A. Fairhurst & Pears; Charles Fenton; Fenwick of Bond Street; Ferranti; Fiat (England); Fiat Commercial Vehicles; Finnigan’s Speciality Paints; Fisher Controls; Fisons; Flag Hire Centres; Flametamers; Wand R. Fletcher (NZ); Fletcher Steel; Fletcher Timber; Flexible Hoses; Floris; Fonadek; Foremost Foods; Formica; Forrest Lite Source; A. J. Forsyth Co; Four Seasons Marine Mobile; Four Way Marketing; Foxbat Biscuits; Francis & Lewis; Francis Searchlights; Freight Services Forwarding; Functional Clothing; Furness Withy Group; Fyffes Group; Gallic Management Co; Gamlen Chemicals Co (NZ); Gardenwork; Gardex; Gault Technical Developments; GEC; GEC Electrical Components; GEC Henley; GEC Industrial Controls; GEC New Zealand; Gem Power Brushes; The General Trading Co; W.T. George & Co; Gerrard Industries; Gestetner Duplicators; Gestetner; Gilbert & John Greenall & Co; Gill & Duffus Group; Gillette Industries; Glaxo-Farley Foods; Gnome Elite Optics; Luis Gordon & Sons; W. L. Gore & Associates (UK); Gordon Audio Visual; Gough, Gough, & Hamer; GPG International; Grand Metropolitan; Gray-Campling; Gray MacKenzie; Gray Stone Plant; Greater London Council; H. J. Green & Co; Greenpar Heat Treatments; Grindlays Bank; Grosvenor Ford; John Haig & Co; Sir William Haicrow & Partners; Hall Aggregates (South Coast); Joseph Hamilton & Seaton; Hanson Trust; H. J. Hare & Son; Hawker Siddeley Power Transformers; Hawkins & Tipson; T. C. Hayward & Co; J. A. Hayward; Dept of Health & Social Security; Henri Lloyd; H. J. Heinz; Helly Hansen (UK); Hempel’s Marine Paints; Pinturas Marinas SAE; Henderson Pumps; J. F. Henderson & Sons; Henderson & Co, South; Hertfordshire Polymer Products; Hertfordshire Branch of Institute of Directors; Hiatt & Co; Hill’s Patents; Hobson & Sons; Hodder & Stoughton; Hoechst (UK); Holland & Holland; Household Articles; Hoyte Metal Co of London; H.T.I. Services; Huckle & Ptnrs (Oman); Hudson Bay & Annings; Hugdahi Trading; Hunton; Hutton & Co (Ship’s Chandlers); Hutton Charrington Buntrock; Humpherson; Hutcheson & Wilson; Schweppes; Hydrographic Office (SA); IBM (UK); ICI Fibres; ICI Pharmaceutical; ICI Europa; ICI Purlboard; ICI Paints; ICI Petrochemicals; ICI Plastics; IMI Santon; Imperial Business Equipment; Imperial Cold Storage; Imperial Group; Imperial Roadways; Industrial Chemicals (NZ); Inscribe; International Diving & Watersports; International Longshoremen’s & Warehousernen’s Union Local 13 (USA); Jack & Letman Associates; Jacobs, Young & Westbury; Jaeger International Shop; J anssen Pharmaceuticals; Johnson & Johnson; Johnson Scanstar; Jubilee Engineering Co; Juicy Fruit juices (Australia); Karlsen Shipping; Karrimor International; C. G. Kelloway & Sons; Kelvin Hughes; Kempthorne Medical Supplies; T. W. Kempton; Kennet Services; Kent Meters; Kid Garrett; Kimberley Clarke; Kiwi Products (UK); Kocklight Laboratories; Kodak; Kontiki Motel (NZ); Kotze & Genis; Labatt Breweries of B.C.; Lacklands Photographic; Roy Lancaster Associates; Land Rover Ltd; Lansing; Lee Howl & Co; Leroco (Direct Sales); Lesuray (Victorinox); Levi Strauss (UK); John Lewis Partnership; Leyland Paint & Wallpaper; Leytool Ltd; Libby McNeil & Libby; Lightning Fasteners; Liner Shipping Services; Liquid Plastics; R. A. Lister & Co; R. A. Lister Marine; | Little Ship Club; Lloyds Register of Shipping; Lloyds & Scottish; Lockhart Equipment; Lockwood & Carlisle; Lockwood Foods; Loctite (UK); Gilbert Lodge & Co; Londegs Ltd; London Chamber of Commerce and Industry; London & Overseas Freighters; London School of Electronics; A. W. Long Transport; Lonza; Los Angeles City Council; Port of Los Angeles; Lucas Industries (XZ); Lyle & Scott; Lyons Tetley; Lyte Industries; Lyttelton Engineering; Lyttelton Harbour Board; MacAndrews & Co; MacKenzie & Holland (NZ); Mack & Edwards (Southern); M & A International; Manley Ratcliffe; R. P. M. Manning; The Mara Corporation; Marco Fishing; Marconi International Marine; Marconi Research Laboratories; Marconi-Elliott Avionic Systems; MarconiMarine (South Africa); Maritime Radio Services (British Telecom); The Maritime Services Board of NSW; Maritime Trust; Marlow Ropes; Mars; Marsh & McLennan Companies; Marsh & McLennan Inc; Marshall Paints; J. A. Marshall & Co (Southern); Masters Neill & Stock; J. Mauerberger; P. Maybury & Co; McCain International; R. N. MacDonald & Co; MacDonald’s Restaurant of Canada Ltd; McDougall’s Catering Foods; J & D McGeorge; Meadows Airfreight; Nicholas Mendes & Associates; David Mellor; Mentmore Manufacturing Co; Mercantile Lighterage Co; Mercer Back & Hickson; William Mercer; P. H. R. Merrills; M.F.G. Watersports; The Metal Box Co; Midland Bank; Mikuni American Corporation; James Miller & Ptners; Ministry of Provincial & Government Services (BC); Ministry of Transport (Meteorological Office) (NZ); R. H. Minns (Baluns); M.I. Plant; Andrew Mitchell & Co; Mitchell Cotts; M.K. Electric; Mobil Oil Co; Mobil Cote d’Ivoire; Mobil Oil Australia; Mobil Oil South Africa; Mobil Oil New Zealand; Mobil Oil Canada; Molson Brewery; W. E. Moore (Anglia); Muirhead Data Communications; Mukluks Ltd; R. W. Munro; Moosehead Breweries; M. Morgan Stanley & Co; Morlands; Morris, Black & Matheson; Herbert Morris; Phillip Morris (Marlboro); Motorola Electronics; Mountain Equipment; John Mowlem & Co; Nabisco; L. D. Nathan Wholesale (NZ); National Bakeries; National Egg Producers Co-op; National Electrical & Engineering Co; National Freight Corporation; National Harbour Board (Port of Vancouver); The National Maritime Museum; National Sea Training College; National Westminster Bank; Nauticalia; The Navidyne Corporation; Negretti & Zambra; James Neill Holdings; Neill Tools (Australia); The Nestle Co; Nestles Catering Services; Nestle Enterprises; Nelton Ltd; Newlaid Eggs (Cape Town); New Zealand Dairy Board; New Zealand Poultry Board; Nikon; The New Zipper Co; Nilsson Winches; Nordair (Air Canada); Norden Marine Suppliers; Northern Transportation Co; North Sea Medical Centre; Norwegian Ski Council; Nutoata Health Foods; Oakhanger Timber Products; The Observer; Occidental of Britain; Occidental Petroleum Corp; Occidental International Corp; Ocean Construction Supplies; Ocean Container Lines; Ocean Marine Laundry; Odex Racasan; Offshore Instruments; Ofrex; Onitsuka Co; A.B. Optimus; Osborne Propellers; Outboard Marine (UK); Outboard Marine Corporation (NZ); The Outboard Marine Corporation (Illinois); Wilfred Owen; Oxford Medical Systems; Ozalid (UK); Pacific Forum Line; Pacific Telephone; Pacific Western Airlines; Packaging Products; William Page & Co; Pains-Wessex; Pantherella; H. Parrot & Co; Pasta Foods; William Paton; Paterson’s Scottish Shortbread; Paykel Bros; George Payne & Co; Pedigree Pet foods; Penguin Books; Pepsi Cola (UK); Permaflex; R. Perry & Co; Petter; Phillips Industries; H. Pickles & Sons; Pilkington Brothers; Pindisports; Plascoat International; Plasticotta (UK); Plastifab Industries; Plessey Co; Plessey (NZ); The Post Office; Graham Poulter & Associates; Powell & Co; Powerlite Compressors; Power Systems Associates; Pratt & Whitney Aircraft of Canada; The Prestige Group; Polaroid (UK); Polco Products; Poppy Food Co; The Port of London Authority; Portacel; Porter Bros; Princes-Buitoni; Pringle of Scotland; L. E. Pritchitt & Co; Protex Fasteners; Ptarmigan Airways; Purdy’s Cakes; The Purple Cow Restaurant; Quaker Oats; Rabone Chesterman; Racal Electronics plc; Racal Decca Marine; Racal Electronics (NZ) Racal Group Services; Racal Tacticom; Racal; Radio Rentals; Raleigh Industries; Rank Hovis McDougal; Raven Leisure Products; The Rawlplug Co; Raychem; R.C.A. Global Communications; Reckitt Household Products; Reckitt & Colman; Reckitt & Colman (NZ); Record Ridgway Tools; Redpath Dorman Long; Reliance Fernhill; Rentokil; Rescue Equipment; REWA Co-operative Dairy Co; RFD Inflatables; Ridge Tools (UK); Ridgways; Rigel Instruments; Henry Righton & Co; Roche Products; James Robertson & Sons; A. H. Robins Co; Robinson & Son; The Rolex Watch Co; Rolls Royce of Beverly Hills; Romeike & Curtice; Romney (BAMA); W. Roskill & Co (Reports); Ross Foods; Rotunda; R.S. Components; Rowntree Mackintosh; Royal AircraftEstablishment; Royal Australian Navy (Hydrographic Office); Royal Dairies; Royal Insurance Co; Royal Naval College Greenwich; Royal Navy Reserve; Royal New Zealand Navy (Hydrographic Office); Ruberoid Building Products; Rutherford’s (Cape Town); Ryders International; Ryman’s; Saccone & Speed; St Katharine by the Tower Ltd; Safety Products; B.G. Saft (UK); Salewa Sportsgerate fabrik; Salterfix; Sangamo Weston; Sams Bros; Samuelson Film Services; San Pedro Scout Troop 210; Sargent Brothers (Thames); Sasco House Sales; Saunders-Roe Developments; Savoy Hotel Ltd; Scandinavian Airline Systems; The School GovernmentPublishing Co; Scottorn Trailers; Seabridge Australia; Sea Containers Services; Seafoods Sales (Cornwall); Seaharvest Corporation; Sealink Marine Supplies; Seaman Shot Blast; Security Pacific National Bank; Segebaden-Berg AB; Selectus; Sellotape Products (UK); J. A. Sharwood & Co; Shell Markets (Middle East); Shell Tankers (UK); C. Shippam; Ship’s Stores Australia; Silva Compasses (London); Silvermine Radio Station; Simonsen & Weel; Alfred Simpson; Sinclair Equipment International; Sinclair Melbourne & Co; Sitram International Shipping Agencies; Sistron & Donner; S.K.C.; S.K.F. (NZ); Skitex; Small Craft Deliveries; Smedley— HP; Smith’s Industries; Herbert Smith & Co; John Smith Ltd; W. H. Smith & Son; Frank Smythson; Snapak Food Products; Solus Engineering & Marketing; South Africa Farm Consultants; S.A. Navy Dental Unit; South African Navy (Charts); South Africa Posts and Telecommunications; South African Railways; South African Stevedores Service Co; The Sound Powered Telephone Co; Southampton Port Health Authority; Southern Industrial Rubber Co; Spacecoat Garments; G. W. Sparrow & Sons; Spear & Jackson Tools; J. W. Spear & Sons; Special Products Distributors; Spinneys (1948); Springfield (Nottingham); Standex International; Stanley Tools; Star Kist Foods; Staveley Electro-Technic Services; Steelex Tools; Stephens & Cater; Stewart & Hughman; Stewart Wrightson; Stott & Smith Group; H. Stout & Co; Stuart Madeley; S.V. Fuel Systems; Sunkist Growers Inc; Survey & General Instruments; Suva Port Authority; Swaledale Woollens Co; Swintex; Martin Sylvester Marketing; Table Top (Pty); Talres Developments; Charles Tanqueray & Co; Tarmac; Tarmac International; Tate & Lyle Refineries; Taylor Woodrow International; Taylor Woodrow Towell’s; Taylor’s Paraffin; Tecumseh Products; Tedelex; Mark Templeman & Son; Thames Valley Security; Thomson C.S.F.; The Thompson Organisation; Thorn Consumer Electronics; Thorn Domestic Appliances; Thornton Sandberg Brockbank; Three Quays Marine Services; The Tilley Lamp Co; Tirfor; Toshiba (UK); Toshiba Corporation; Touche Ross & Co; Tower International; Transcap — Côte d’Ivoire; Transfesa; Transglobal Air; Transtrip; R. Travers Morgan International; Triad; Louis Triay; Tri-Corr (Kingsway Packaging); Corporation of Trinity House; Tn-Wall Containers; Troll Products; Troup Curtis & Co; Tubella Engineering Co; Tube Makers of Australia; Tucker Fasteners; Tufnol; The Tupperware Co; Turnbull & Asser; Turnbull Scott Holdings; Turner & Newall; Turner Whitehead Industries; Twinlock (UK); TWT Trucks (Dudley); Tyne Gangway Co; Unicorn Lines; Unigate Foods; Unigate; Unilever Export; Unimarine; Union Carbide (NZ); Uniroyal; United Scientific Instruments; U.S. Departmentof Commerce; U.S. Navigation (Pacific) Inc; The United Malting Co; United Tobacco; Universal Tape Printing Co; Unitor Ships Services; Vancouver Fumigating Co; Vancouver Mariners Clinic; Vango (Scotland); Van der Horst of England; Van Tell Trading AB; Varta; VDO Argo Instruments; SOS Verktyg; Viking Gold Medal Laundries; The Vintners Co; Vito Self Adhesive Sealants; Vorwerk (UK); Waddingron Playing Card Co; Wainwright Bros; Walker Gosweller Co; Wallace & Tiernan; Rick Walter Broadley Machines; A. Wander; Warner (Midlands); Warner Lamber (UK); J. Wattle Canneries; W.C.B. Containers; Weetabix; Weilcome Foundation; Wellington Harbour Board; Wellington Marine & General Engineering Co; Wellington Meteorological Office; John West Foods; John West Foods Australia; L. E. West & Co; West Coast Sawmills; West Coast Semiconductors; Western Pacific Communications Consultants; Westinghouse Sales & Distribution; Westmar Ship Supply; Westralian Farmers Transport; WEXAS; Whinney Murray & Co; Whitbread & Co; Whitworths (Holdings);. Wickman Industrial Equipment; Widnell & Trollope; Wild Leitz (Australia); Wild Heerbrugge; Williams & Glyn’s Bank; Willis Faber & Dumas; J. E. Wilson & Son (Kendal); Wilson & Kyle; George Wipey & Co; Wilson Products (Christchurch); Windows (BSF); Wisdom Imports mc; Wittenborg Automat; Wormersley Boome Chemicals; Woodhouse Hume; Woolfe Laing Christle & Ptnrs; Noel Woolhouse; Wrather Hotels (Queen Mary); L. L. Wright; Yardleys of London; Yee Jong & Co; Y.H.A. Services; Young & Brown; Wright Heaton; The Wrigley Co; G. H. Zeal. |